Novel Waveform Generation Using HL9404 Broadband Balun, HL9462 Z-Matched Pick-Off Tee, and HL9474 6dB Resistive Power Divider
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AN-005 | March 31, 2022
This application note demonstrates use of HYPERLABS’ broadband coaxial components as general-purpose analog signal processing components for the generation of novel time-domain waveforms.
The HL9474 6dB resistive power divider and HL9462 Z-matched pick-off tee are demonstrated as lossy broadband summing networks and the HL9404 broadband balun is
demonstrated as a pulse inverter and 180° signal splitter. The HL5567 PAM4 Encoder is used to combine two PRBS patterns into PAM4 signaling. Utilizing the basic arithmetic functions of addition, inversion, and subtraction, together with a time delay, a wide variety of novel broadband waveforms are generated.
This application note builds on prior work reported in Picosecond Pulse Labs (PSPL) Application Note AN-20a. In the referenced note, Jim Andrews, Ph.D. used PSPL pulse generators together with PSPL passive components to produce a variety of novel waveforms. A similar set of waveforms are demonstrated at higher bandwidths in this application note utilizing
HYPERLABS’ industry leading broadband passive components.
To read more, download the full PDF of AN-005.
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