Sales: 720-407-6538

HYPERLABS Representatives and Distributors

These companies are authorized representatives and distributors of HYPERLABS INC. in their various regions.

Click on your region to be taken to our partner’s website.

If your region does not yet have an authorized representative, please contact us for direct sales and support.

United States of America

Representatives and Distributors (USA) Placeholder
Representatives and Distributors (USA)

California: Ward Davis Associates

Mountain StatesTechnical Marketing Specialists (TMS)

New England & Mid-Atlantic: ProTEQ Solutions

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Delaware: Contech Marketing Associates

Southeastern States: Sunforce Technologies

Other States: Contact Us for direct sales and support


Representatives and Distributors (International) Placeholder
Representatives and Distributors (International)

Australia and New Zealand: ASD Technology

China: Suzhou Rebes Interconnect  |   Sainty Tech Communications Ltd.

France: ES France

India: Suran Tech

Israel: MTI Summit Electronics

Italy, North (inc. Pisa): DQM, srl.

Italy, South (inc. Florence): Alfa Microonde, srl.

Japan: I-wave Corporation

Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand): Precision Technologies Pte. Ltd.

United Kingdom and Ireland: Melcom Electronics Ltd.

Other Regions: Contact Us for direct sales and support